this week in other places...
Still writing about this season of Big Brother Canada and doing my best to relate it to reality rather than reality television. Sometimes it’s a challenge.
Let me know what your BBCAN thoughts are at @katarnett or @awesomefridayca on Twitter.
“He denied his own behaviour, blamed the victim and followed it up with Namaste which means “I bow to the divine in you”. Used to express many things (like a Sanskrit Aloha) but among them respect and gratitude. It might be the first time I’ve heard “Namaste” pronounced “Fuck you”.”
“Quick way to check if you’re relationship is real or a convenient hook up in an isolated location: Is it fun? Do you feel protected? Are there cameras on you 24/7?”
No More ‘I Love You’s’: A Johnny Veto Mixtape.
“I do say I love a lot of things, though. Coffee. Fast & Furious movies. Groot. The Internet has made us all lousy (and lazy) with hyperbole and everything is awesome, everything is something to be amazed by. It’s easy to “love” stuff. So is it possible that with all the loving of stuff, lips are loosened and people aren’t as careful about casually saying they love someone?”
“This is the subtle masterpiece of Zach’s game. He knows that no matter how much you reassure a person nominated for eviction that they’re safe they’ll still be paranoid. The smarter play is to make lull your silent targets into complacency. Make them feel like they are in no danger at all and they won’t proactively try to save themselves.”
I Want Your Blood On My Hands.
“I don’t know about Brutus, but Jordan has no faith in Caesar. He was all about riding Zach’s coattails when he felt like he was in control, busy throwing competitions and happy to let Zach stick his neck out for them both. But the second Jordan has to put himself in harm’s way suddenly he’s all like “Everybody grab a knife! Let’s all stab Caesar!”